From: Nicodemo Arrizza MD (Canada) Doctor of Medicine, Psychiatry and Complimentary Medicine, Member of the American Association for Humanistic Psychology , Faculty at Akamai University, Hawaii, USA.

Professor Francesco Palmirotta: Professional Relationships and his contributions to Humanistic Psychology To Whom It May Concern:It is with great pleasure that I write this letter in support of Professor Palmirotta’s work and significant contributions to the field of...

Paul Von Ward

“Francesco Palmirotta is a PhD-level, qualified psychotherapist. He has pioneered new techniques involving music, art, and movement that have received acclaim from former patients. His theoretical work has introduced new concepts — based on the works of titans like...

Alexandra Hart

“Francesco Palmirotta has been an erudite and entertaining person with whom to be associated over the past 15 years, as I have been as editor of the AHP Perspective, as host to him in my community, and as guest and workshop leader in his community. His work with music...

Natalie Rogers (degnissima figlia continuatrice dell’intuizione Arteterapica del Grande Carl Rogers) qualche tempo dopo aver ricevuto il PhD Honoris Causa in Humanistic Ontosophy scrisse a Francesco Palmirotta:

Dear Francesco,Yesterday, the last role of film from my trip came back to me. Looking at the photos of you, Flora, and our good times together, brings back very nice memories. Again, I thank you and all of your community for such good care and warm hearts. Please...